I-So Mama!

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I-So Mama!

This Mother’s Day we ask our incredible designer and formidable co-owner Tash Dumais, a Mum of four, some questions about Mother's Day this year in Isolation ….

Tell us how you will celebrate Mother’s Day in #iso this year…
Well this time 11 years ago I was preparing to go into labour with our second beautiful daughter Sabine Lucette. Sabine was born on Mother’s day morning 2009. Tomorrow is the first time we share this day again, so that makes it really special. I will definitely be reminiscing about the day she was born. I genuinely love playing those birth days over in my head. Really, could there be anything more maternal than closing your eyes and thinking back to that moment of awe of when you first laid eyes on your newborn babe? Pure joy.
What makes Mother’s Day special for you?
The kids’ handmade cards is a huge highlight. They still bust into our room early to give them to me. I’m always laughing out loud at their claims that they’re all the favourite child. I love listening to them hustle in the kitchen as they lovingly prepare breakfast for me.
This Mother’s Day will also be the first one with our 5 month baby boy Arlo.
He’s a total gift to our family and that is incredibly special.
I also love calling my Mum & Mother-in-law to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day and listening to the joy in their voices as they talk to their grandchildren, who absolutely adore them!
What was the best advice on Motherhood you have ever received?
“Motherhood. It’s the best and it’s the worst!!” and ‘You will never look back on life and think, “I spent too much time with my kids” – both are absolute gems.

What would your dream Mother’s Day gift be?
Firstly, 20 mins of peace and quiet in the morning to meditate! Then, time to read in front of the fire. Ideally followed by my husband cooking dinner.
Also, my kids being gentle, loving and kind to each other for the whole day. I’m not sure which of those last two is more likely to come true!!
How will you celebrate your Mum and Mother in Law this year
given social distancing?

I’ve cooked them something special to deliver (socially distanced flying kisses through the car window). The kids have made and written them cards and we are going to make some video messages to email them as a keepsake. It’s a total bummer that we cant see them on the day, but we know it’s for the greater good and we think the girls finally understand this too.
What’s something your Mum always said to you?
We got ‘don’t sit that close to the TV, you’ll get square eyes’ alot!!
Don’t go to bed with wet hair, you’ll catch yourself a cold’
Oh and…
‘If you eat your crusts you’ll get curly hair’… Not entirely sure about that one. I always ate my crusts, and yet straight hair?
What are some things you always say to your children 
Think of others always!!
Is your bedroom clean?!
Get off your gadget!!
Tell me something you're grateful for today.

And right now…on repeat in this Covid era…
Did you wash your hands? With soap?!
What’s your favourite inspirational quote on Motherhood?
“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice”.
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about”.

Thanks to Janine at White Salt Photography for these amazing family photos.